Initial Consultation

The Doctors and Staff at Contours Oral Surgery are focused on providing you with quality care in a compassionate and safe environment.  Your initial appointment at Contours will consist of a consultation regarding the specific referral request made by your general dentist/dental specialist.  If however, you are visiting us as a self referral, we are pleased to provide you with a consultation focused on your specific needs.  The Surgeons at Contours will provide you with a diagnosis and treatment options based on the specific treatment requirement for you.

For our patients who have a more complex medical history or diagnosis, we may require an additional consultation visit with you in order to present a thorough and complete treatment plan.

What to Bring

In order to serve you well, we ask that you bring the following documentation in order for us to initiate a personal patient record for you at Contours:

  1. Personal Identification
  2. Insurance Information
  3. Alberta Health Care Number

(Note: Some of the procedures performed at Contours may be billable to Alberta Health Care.  We will provide you with the specifics at your consultation appointment as needed, based on your specific treatment plan.)

We will personally request any/all referral documentation and previously taken radiographs from your referring dentist.  There is a possibility that a new image may be required for your consultation based on our Surgeon’s assessment and diagnosis.  Additional imaging is only performed when the recent images provided by your dentist are not satisfactory for our Surgeons to perform safe surgical treatment for you.

All patients under the age of 17 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian (proper paperwork required) for their consultation.

Sedation / General Anesthesia

If sedation is something you wish to have for your planned treatment, we will organize a personal consultation with our clinic Medical Director who is specialized in Medical Anesthesia.  Our team, including Surgeons, Anesthetists and Staff will be providing you with specific instructions for your planned treatment.  These instructions may include pre-operative anesthesia instructions including not eating or drinking for 8 hours before your scheduled surgery time and the need for a legal-aged responsible adult to take you home and stay with you for a minimum of 48 hours after your surgery.

You will also be provided with specific post-operative instructions for your specific treatment which will be reinforced after surgery with you or with the adult responsible to escort you after your surgery, both verbally and in a written document.